Energy Price Shocks and International Production Networks.

Fiscal Policy for Climate Change.

Green Jobs and Spatial Inequality.

The Long-Term Societal Cost of Air Pollution from Energy Production.

The Valuation of Green Labels.


More Publications

(2023). International Production Chains and the Pollution Offshoring Hypothesis: an Empirical Investigation. forthcoming in Resource and Energy Economics.


(2020). Assessing short-term and long-term economic and environmental effects of the COVID-19 crisis in France. In Environmental and Resource Economics.


Policy Reports

More Publications

. Skills and wage gaps in the low-carbon transition: comparing job vacancy data from the US and UK. 2023.


. Macroeconomic and distributional consequences of net zero policies in the United Kingdom. In OECD Economics Department Working Papers, 2022.


. An explorative evaluation of the climate debt. OFCE Policy Brief, 2018.


. The state of applied environmental macroeconomics. Revue de l’OFCE, 157, 2018.


. Dynamic and long-term properties of the ThreeME model. Revue de l’OFCE, 149, 2016.


. Oil: Carbon for growth. Revue de l’OFCE, 138, 2015.


. Modernising Building Energy Codes. IEA Policy Pathways, 2013.




Do androids dream of climate change? Here’s what generative AI Midjourney dreamt up when prompted with the headlines of the latest IPCC Synthesis Report.

The Global Historical Emissions Map is an interactive map of carbon dioxide emissions weighted by population distribution over time. It offers a clear visualization illustrating both the respective historical responsibilities of each regions of the world in the total amount of carbon emitted, and the progressive extension of the industrial revolution over the past 250 years.


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